The ARRL Repeater Directory® 2025 Edition
– NEW! Powered by: RepeaterBook
Covering Repeater Systems Throughout the US and Canada
Repeaters are almost everywhere. There are more than 20,000 repeaters in the United States alone. The best way to find repeaters in your area, when you're traveling, or when you're on the move is with The ARRL Repeater Directory. Look up repeaters and see their input and output frequencies, plus find out whether they are analog FM repeaters, or one of the varieties of digital machines.
The ARRL Repeater Directory includes “crowdsourced” listings contributed by users, repeater owners, and volunteer frequency coordinators. This means more listings updated more often. New hams often use it to find local activity after purchasing a new handheld radio. Public service volunteers often keep a copy nearby or in their go-kit. The convenient 6 x 9 spiral bound format lies flat.
22,319 listings for US and Canada, organized by state/province, county, and city/town.
A location indicator for many repeaters in cities/towns.
Additional information on ARES® and SKYWARN® affiliation, emergency power, and more.
Digital repeaters including System Fusion, D-STAR®, DMR, NXDN, M17, Tetra, and P25 systems.
HF, VHF/UHF, and microwave band plans.
Information on Radiograms and updated ARL codes.
The ARRL Repeater Directory is now powered by RepeaterBook, amateur radio's comprehensive, worldwide, FREE repeater database –
Product Details
Softcover: 460 pages
Publisher: The American Radio Relay League, Inc.
Copyright: 2025
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-62595-215-8
Product Dimensions: 6 x 9 1/4 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.0 pound